About the Author

Born in Sumter, Seth June is a Native of South Carolina.  At the young age of eight, he and his immediate family relocated to the Myrtle Beach area so they could be closer to other family members and coastal living.  During his childhood, Seth was very active in sports, music, and church functions and continues these interests today.  In the spirit of helping others, Seth joined multiple mission trips around the United States and Central America during his teen and adult years and believes these experiences helped shape the strong values and belief system he upholds today. Between his involvement in sports, the musical arts, and dedication to his church, Seth has learned that hard work and serving others before one’s self leads to success in life.
As a young professional residing in Myrtle Beach, Seth spends most of his time working, and attending school.  Seth is a Realtor, where his primary focus is to make the real estate experience as professional and pleasurable as possible for his clients and colleagues.  Relationship building leads to Seth’s success both personally and professionally as he strongly believes in upholding honesty, integrity and reliability in all his personal and professional interactions.  His customer centric approach coupled with his strong character and tenacity, make him a standout in the real estate profession and the next real estate mogul in the making.
Some goals Seth has set for himself is to complete a MBA program,  become a Real Estate Developer, serve and be a positive mentor for others, stay active in the Recovery and Mental Health community, and publish some meaningful writings.